As the world leans into Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a conduit for commercial success, it is important to inspect aspects of this shift within context. As a public we have... read more →
A comprehensive e-commerce marketing platform that helps brands accelerate online growth through smarter marketing strategies and richer customer experiences was moving their office in NYC. With almost 6,000 miles separating... read more →
The telecommunications and software services industry has undergone significant changes in recent years, with rapid advancements in technology, increased competition, and evolving customer demands. These factors have had a direct... read more →
We are officially approved for WBE Certification by the New Jersey Department of the Treasury!
CEO/President of ZLH Enterprises, Zina Hassel has a new book available. Check out "My Armadillo Skin" now out in both paperback and kindle/pdf format at the Amazon Bookstore! In "My... read more →